“My goal is to make acupuncture accessible for everyone. Over the years in my private practice, I have been extremely fortunate to treat children and adults of all ages, ethnicities, and income levels. I’ve really seen how many people have benefited from acupuncture, and unfortunately, also how many people are excluded or cannot continue with their regular treatments due to cost. Currently, medical insurance companies are not helping the situation. They are consistently raising fees for members while constantly changing amounts of coverage, medical requirements, and copays. All these factors led me to open a Community Acupuncture Clinic here in Stockton.”
Yonie Young is a California licensed acupuncturist and herbalist (L.Ac.). She obtained a Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine degree from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City (2006). She has a clinical background which includes training and practice in both Chinese as well as Japanese styles of acupuncture, externships at the St. Vincent’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, and at the Women’s Disabilities Clinic in New York. She also had the opportunity to study at the Wang Ju Yi Center for Clinical Channel Theory Research in Beijing, China. She received her certification from the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (2011).
Yonie has a bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science from UC Berkeley (2001). She lives in Stockton with her husband, son, and daughter. Yonie enjoys being active, reading, traveling, and spending time with her family. She also loves being an acupuncturist and will most likely be doing it forever and ever.